Author Archives: dathoang

Top 4 Benefits of Capacitive Touchscreen Technology

While there are thousands upon thousands of different touchscreen devices on the market, nearly all of them rely on either resistive or capacitive technology. Resistive touchscreens are constructed with three layers: an upper layer, bottom layer, and a middle layer that’s comprised with air or a similar inert gas/substance. When the operator presses down on […]

Tips to Keep Your Touchscreen Device Fingerprint-Free

Whether it’s a tablet, smartphone, video game console, etc., all touchscreen devices are a haven for fingerprints. After all, they require the operator to touch the display in order to perform commands. Over time, touchscreen devices will develop visible “smudges” from the operator’s fingerprints. In addition to looking messy, this can also interfere with the normal […]

Things to Consider When Choosing an LCD Display

Liquid crystal diode (LCD) lives up to its namesake by featuring an array of liquid crystals that reflect light created by a backlight. Contrary to what some people may believe, LCD crystals don’t actually produce the light you see on a monitor or display, but rather than magnify it so it’s more intense. This allows […]

The Science Behind Touchscreen Technology and How it Works

Touchscreen devices are found just about everywhere, including cars, homes, businesses and retail stores. In fact, you probably have one within arm’s reach right now. While most people are familiar with the general concept of touchscreen technology (e.g. you tap a digital icon to perform a command), the underlying mechanisms behind these devices remain largely […]

The Future of Touchscreen Technology and Where it’s Headed

Touchscreen technology is found in nearly industry and market, ranging from automotive and retail to healthcare and manufacturing. It allows human operators to control machines and/or computers through a touch-based interface. When compared to traditional mechanical interfaces (e.g. physical keyboards), touchscreens are believed to offer a higher level of reliability, durability, accuracy, and user satisfaction. […]

Synaptics to Develop Pressure-Sensitive Touchscreens for Smartphones

Synaptics has announced plans to develop a new line of pressure-sensitive touchscreen controllers for smartphones. Dubbed the “ClearPad 3700,” the California-based maker of Human Machine Interface products says the new controller will add “variable force-sensing” technology to smartphones. So, what exactly does this mean? Being that the ClearPad 3700 has yet to hit the market, […]

Surface Acoustic Wave Touchscreen Technology

We’ve talked about the nuances between several types of touchscreen technology here on the blog, including resistive and capacitive. However, one of form of touchscreen technology that we’ve yet to discuss is surface acoustic wave (SAW). This week we’re going to take a closer look at SAW and the role it plays in modern-day touchscreen […]

Study: Touchscreens May Benefit Visually Impaired Users

An estimated 285 million people are believed to be visually impaired, 39 of million of whom are classified as blind, according to data by the World Health Organization (WHO). But a new study has found that touchscreen devices can benefit individuals with visual disabilities. For the study, researchers from Canada’s Concordia University recruited 100 men […]

Study: Toddlers Learning How to Use Touchscreens Early

Touchscreens aren’t used strictly by adults. Whether it’s a touchscreen monitor, tablet, smartphone or any other device, more and more toddlers are now learning how to use them at an early age. In addition to the vast entertainment value provided by touchscreens, a new study indicates that it could help teachers asses toddlers’ early skills. […]