Author Archives: dathoang

Study: More Children Now Using Touchscreen Devices

The times are changing, which is apparent from the increasing number of children now using touchscreen devices. Devices like Apple iPads, touchscreen laptops, and other electronics with touchscreen interfaces have become commonplace in today’s society. So much in fact that nearly a third of all children in the United States have used a touchscreen device […]

Studies Reveal Improved Satisfaction Among Touchscreen Users

Touchscreen devices have become an almost integral part of our daily lives. Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, computer monitor, human machine interface (HMI), etc., the vast majority of people use at least one touchscreen device on a daily basis. Aside from the functional benefits they offer, however, there’s new evidence suggesting that touchscreens yield improved satisfaction among […]

Streamline Your Payment Processing Using NFC

If you run a retail store or business, you should consider accepting payments via NFC-enabled smartphones. NFC – or Near-Field Communications – allows two local devices to share small amounts of data. For instance, a customer can swipe his or her smartphone next to a NFC receiver to instantly pay for goods. I know what […]

Sony Unveils Touchscreen Projection Technology at SXSW

Sony has unveiled a new projection-based touchscreen device at this year’s South by Southwest (SXSW). The company’s research and development facility, Future Lab, is believed to be working on the new prototype. So, how does Sony’s new projection-based touchscreen device work? There’s still much that we don’t know about it; however, Sony gave the world a sneak […]

Sony Launches New Touchscreen Projector

Sony stole the limelight at this year’s SXSW convention. The global tech company actually converted one of the warehouses in Austin, Texas into a “Wow Factory” where workers from its Future Lab project displayed some of the company’s latest gadgets. Among the gadgets on display was a projector. This wasn’t just any ordinary projector, however; […]

Smartphone Touchscreens May Soon Feature Fingerprint Scanners

The next smartphone you buy may come equipped with a fingerprint scanner built directly into the touchscreen. It’s not uncommon for modern-day smartphones to feature a fingerprint scanner. The Galaxy S5, for instance, has one on the back of the device, allowing users to unlock their device by pressing a finger against it. However, these […]

Skintrack Will Turn Your Skin into a Touchscreen

Wouldn’t it be great if you could control your smartphone or tablet simply by pressing against your skin? Well, that’s exactly what a team of researchers at Carnegie Mellon are working to develop. Known as “SkinTrack,” it uses electrodes to essentially turn the user’s skin into a fully functional touchpad for wearable electronics. It features […]

Single-Touch vs Multi-Touch: What’s the Difference?

When researching the different technologies used in touchscreen devices, you may come across the terms “single-touch” and “multi-touch.” Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet or touch-enabled human machine interface (HMI), some touchscreen devices support single-touch, whereas others support multi-touch. The basic principle behind these two technologies is the same: to support user input via touch. However, […]

Scientists Working to Develop Next-Gen Touchscreen

Touchscreen technology has come a long ways over the years. In fact, the technology didn’t even exist just a few decades ago. But in that short amount of time, tech companies have pioneered the use of fully functional touchscreen interfaces, most of which revolve around resistive or capacitive touch technology. However, scientists are already working […]

Samsung Unveils 21.5″ Touchscreen Refrigerator

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is currently underway, with Samsung already drawing attention for its unveiling of a new “smart” refrigerator equipped with a massive 21.5″ touchscreen panel on the front door. When speaking at this year’s CES, the South Korean tech company revealed a new refrigerator featuring a 21.5″ touchscreen. The user interface for […]