How Touchscreen Technology Is Paving The Way For Better Education

One of the key benefits of using touchscreen in the classroom is its ability to consolidate dozens of books into a single, portable device. The average text-only book is just a couple megabytes in size; therefore, students can literally store hundreds if not thousands of books on a tablet computer. Opting to use a touchscreen tablet eliminates the need to carry around a backpack full of books, as the academic material is stored in digital format.

Touchscreen interfaces also offer a deeper level of engagement among students. Students can answer questions, draw diagrams, choose objects, and play learning games from the device – something that’s not found in traditional educational material. And when students are more engaged, they typically learn faster.

Of course, touchscreen devices also allow students to connect to the Internet. Most devices support WiFi at the bare minimum, but others may also have built-in 3G/4G network connectivity. When a student is faced with a question, he or she can fire up the touchscreen tablet to search for an answer online.

According to a study published in the Online Educational Research Journal (OERJ), touchscreen tablets can enhance students’ learning experience (source). “Our results suggest that the technology afforded by the ‘iPad’ can contribute to classroom engagement. In addition, it appears that, as the literature suggests, boys may benefit in particular, facilitating the rise of their engagement to levels observed in girls,” wrote the study’s researchers. “Given the growing concern over how well the education system caters for the needs of boys, implementing this sort of technology in schools would appear a valuable endeavour,” wrote the study’s researchers. While this particular study focused strictly on the use of Apple iPads, it’s safe to assume other branded touchscreen devices would yield similar results.

As you can see, there are a number of benefits to implementing touchscreen technology in the classroom. From consolidating books and saving paper to creating a more engaging learning environment, the benefits are endless.

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