iPhone 6 Plagued by Touchscreen Problems

The iPhone 6 remains one of the hottest smartphones on the market. Originally released by Apple on September 14, 2014, it’s the company’s sixth-generation flagship handset. While the iPhone 6 has received mostly praise by users and critics, there’s a new problem arising associated with its touchscreen functionality.

According to Fixit, the Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are experiencing glitches with their touchscreen functionality. The problem doesn’t appear at first, however. So even if a user purchased a new iPhone 6 and tested it out, the touchscreen glitch may manifest months or even years later.

How exactly does this glitch work? Fixit says the affected devices show a flickering bar at the top of the display, along with an unresponsive touch functionality. In other words, users cannot perform any touch commands on their iPhone 6 when it’s affected by this glitch.

To put the problem into perspective, some sources say that nearly every iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are affected by this touchscreen glitch, the degree to which varies. Some users may only experience a brief instance in which their handset becomes unresponsive, while others may experience permanent unresponsiveness.

As explained by Fixit, the problem is associated with the two chips that capture data associated with touches. When one or both of these chips go bad, the phone becomes unresponsive; thus, requiring a fix.

These two chips translate your finger mashing on the display into information your phone can actually use. When the Touch IC chips go bad, you can jab, tap, and poke the screen all you want—your phone can’t correctly process the information. At least, not until the bum chips are replaced with new ones,” explained the folks at iFixit.

Unfortunately, there’s not much you do to protect your iPhone 6 from this touchscreen glitch. It’s more or less a random problem that affects handsets after prolonged usage

To make matters worse, Apple has said it realizes there is a problem but isn’t working to officially fix it. Being that thousands of users have stepped forward to voice their dissatisfaction with the glitch, however, it should prompt the tech giant to issue a fix sooner rather than later. In the meantime, the only viable solution for fixing this touchscreen glitch is to replace the faulty chips.

Has your iPhone 6 been affected by this touchscreen glitch?

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