New Moikit Seed Smart Bottles Equipped with Touchscreen Caps

Are you drinking enough water? The answer may surprise you. Some studies have shown that up to two thirds of the adult population goes throughout their daily lives in a state of mild dehydration. But there’s an innovative new bottle that’s intended to fix the problem.

Enter the Moikit Seed Smart bottle. As you can see in the photo to the right, it looks like a traditional bottle, available in a wide variety of colors ranging from red and orange to lime and pink. What makes the Seed Smart bottle different, however, is its cap. Unlike most (or all) beverage bottles, the Seed Smart bottle features a touchscreen interface embedded into the cap. This interface is used to display the date and time, as well as your hydration habits. If you haven’t been drinking enough, the touchscreen cap will notify you so that you can avoid the headaches associated with dehydration.

But if you were hoping to get your hands on the Smart Seed bottle, you may have to wait a while, because it’s still in the early stages of development. The company behind this innovative new beverage container has created a crowdfunding campaign on the website Indiegogo, with a goal of raising $20,000. As of writing this, however, it has already raised an impressive $300,000, which of course is far more than the company’s original goal. With plenty of startup capital on hand, Moikit should have no problem turning this concept idea into a reality.

It may be easy to drink water, but according to the latest research, 95.3% of people do not have good water consumption habits—65.9% drink water only when thirsty, while only 4.7% regularly drink healthy amounts of water. Although water deficiency causes poor health and various diseases, we still always forget to drink enough. Water is essential to leading a healthy life, so we invented Seed, a smart bottle that helps you subconsciously form healthier habits,” explained Moikit on its Indiegogo page. The company goes on to reveal that its Seed Smart bottle warns the user when his or her water becomes too hot or stale.

What do you think of the Moikit Smart Seed bottle?

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