Nintendo NX May Feature Multi-Touch Display

It’s been several years since Nintendo has released a new video game system, with its most recent being the portable 3DS. While there’s been no official confirmation of a new system being developed by the iconic company, rumor has it that Nintendo is developing a next-generation portable gaming system featuring multi-touch technology.

We’ve talked about this before on our blog, but it case you missed it, multi-touch refers to a type of touchscreen technology in which the device supports two or more simultaneous touch points. With traditional touchscreen devices, you can only touch a single icon or location at once. But many devices are now being made with multi-touch technology. As the name suggests, this allows the operator to touch multiple points at the same time.

What are the benefits of multi-touch technology? Well, for starters it allows for more input options. A multi-touch device, for instance, may support pinch-to-zoom, where you can pinch together the display using two fingers to either zoom in or out (depending on which direction you pinch). Multi-touch technology also allows for shortcut commands. Of course, these are just a few of the many benefits associated with multi-touch technology.

So, will Nintendo’s upcoming portable gaming system feature multi-touch technology? Quite possibly. Earlier this month, tipster Emily Rogers tweeted some rumored specs for the company’s upcoming Nintendo NX system. She claims the portable gaming system will feature a 6.2-inch multi-touch interface that boasts 720p high-definition resolution. Furthermore, the system is rumored to feature USB ports. Of course, these are just rumors, so take it with a grain of salt. The truth is that Nintendo could take its NX gaming system in an entirely different direction.

Now, renowned Nintendo tipster Emily Rogers shared three new tweets with new claims regarding the mysterious NX. First, a Nintendo NX prototype console features a 6.2-inch 720p multi-touch screen. However, it is unclear whether the final design will have a bigger or smaller screen size,” wrote iDigitalTimes.

Multi-touch technology has become a popular trend among electronic touchscreen makers. It opens the doors to a whole new world of options. Instead of limiting input commands to single touches and taps, devices that support multi-touch allow for many more commands. Perhaps this is why Nintendo is rumored to use multi-touch technology in its upcoming NX gaming system.

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