Nucleus Introduces First Alexa-Powered Touchscreen Device

A startup company has introduced the world’s first Alexa-powered touchscreen device. Dubbed the “Nucleus,” it features a touchscreen interface with embedded cameras, along with connectivity support via smartphone or tablet apps. This means users can communicate with other rooms, offices or areas using the Nucleus.

So, how exactly does the Nucleus work? At 9″ x 7″ and weighing just over 2 pounds, the Nucleus is a relatively small device. But don’t let its small size fool you into thinking it’s just another consumer touchscreen tablet. Thanks to its video integration, it can be used for video conferencing and calling.

Granted, you can perform similar video conferencing and calling functions using apps like FaceTime, which is available on both the iPad and iPad. What makes the Nucleus different, however, is it’s support for Alexa. As you may already know, Alexa is Amazon’s voice-controlled personal assistant. First launched as a feature of the e-retailing giant’s Echo device, Alexa answers users questions and performs various tasks, all through voice-controlled commands. You can ask Alexa questions like “what time is it?” “what’s the weather like?” “when do my favorite sports team play?” and more. The software has been engineered to process voice commands, outputting the appropriate command.

The real beauty of Nucleus is its Alexa integration, which allows users to communicate with their device through voice commands. So while it also video functions, you can open and close apps, and perform a countless number of other tasks, simply by using voice commands.

Integrating Alexa into Nucleus was a natural fit,” Steve Rabuchin, Amazon Alexa vice president. “Voice and the Alexa services provide an easy way for families to stay organized, manage their busy lives and have fun. We opened up [Alexa Voice Service] to device makers and developers for free and it’s exciting to see Nucleus take advantage of the service and bring their innovative technology into homes.”

Upon issuing a voice command, the Nuclear displays a wave image on the screen, indicating to the user that his or her voice command was registered. Soon after, Alexa will issue a response, which is characterized by the presence of blue ring design on the lower right corner of the device.

So, how much does the Nucleus cost? You can purchase a single Nucleus device for $249. If you buy two, however, the price drops to $199 for each device.

What do you think of the Alexa-powered Nucleus?

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